Posts Tagged ‘doodle’

My Finished Entry for the Sketchbook Project

April 5, 2019

Here is a video of my completed entry for the Volume 14 Sketchbook Project. Shortly after making the video, I shipped this labor of love off to the Brooklyn Art Library to added to their permanent exhibit. I got a confirmation email from the library that my sketchbook, Vanessa’s Book of Fantastical Butterflies, can be found on the shelves of the physical library with call number 360.16-4. Soon, it will be digitized and available in their online library.

Click here to see the full video:

The art tools I used to create my sketchbook are Micron black pens and Sharpie highlighters.

Over 43,000 sketchbooks are included on display at the Brooklyn Art Library — one of the largest collections of sketchbooks in the world. Find out how you can participate in this global art project.

Love Runs Deep

February 19, 2019

Until this popped up on my Facebook memories from this day last year, I forgot all about it. The art is compiled from a photo I took on a walk down a wooded road. It might have been a hornet’s nest that had fallen on the ground. I printed the photo and created a doodle on tracing paper, following the lines on the pic. Then I scanned the art and overplayed it in Photoshop. I converted most of the lines to white, added a drop shadow, and pasted in some glittering gold for the letters.

WaHoo for me! What have you created that makes you “wahoo” when it comes to mind?

Here are the individual pieces I used to create this art.

The Inspiration and Evolution

February 11, 2019

I’ve always found that looking at the art of others gives me ideas and points me in a new direction. While working on my entry for the Sketchbook Project, I found that by spread 13, I needed a bit of inspiration.

When checking out the hashtags that folks are using to tag their art — #thesketchbookproject and #sbpprocess — I came across this intriguing spread by Creations of Entropy.

I love the curves and movement so I decided to do a quick sketch in my style.

Then I used my sketch as the precursor of my next spread in my entry for the Sketchbook Project. You can see some similarities and see where I changed things up a bit. A fun evolution! I even got a bit of inspiration from the flower symbol on the Micron pens I was using. I thought it appropriate to tip my hat to Micron since I’m using their black pens throughout the book.